Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dear Family,

Well it sounds like a ton of you guys are all gathering around some table's to eat some really good food at uncle Dave's and aunt Anita's house!  Sounds like a party!!  Wish I could be there but I'm where I need and should be.  So this week was a great week!  No I didn't eat anything weird or go anywhere.  I didn't even get transferred!!  Me and Elder Bayles were pretty excited that we didn't get transferred.  So instead of taking a 5 hour drive to Cauayan we just stayed here and worked, which was good.  So the Philippines don't really like the "rich people" in town and they never open their mouth when someone is "rich".  So me and elder bayles decided that we should go and talk to all the rich people that we could find so we walked around to all the cement houses and talked to as many people who would let us in their house.  That was my first time going house to house to people and trying to get into their house to teach them our message.  We ll we ended up getting the door shut gently on our face and one lady was actually laying on her couch and sat up and looked at us and said "there is no one here".  Haha!  It was so funny.  Me and Elder Bayles just looked at each other and said "well okay"... haha it was so funny.  We got into a few peoples houses and got a few new investigators out of it.  We were desperate for some new people to teach and we have been praying to figure out a way for some new people to teach.  It seems like just singling out the "rich" people is a rude thing to do, but to be honest they make the best members.  They pay the tithing, come to church every week and they are way nice to the other members.  So we felt guided to tract that class of people.  We got a few referrals yesterday and one of them was a family of four.  The kids are ages one and three, two boys.  The family lives in a run down restaurant and they run a small motor trade business out of it.  We started teaching them and they seemed to be listening until they put their kids down and they went crazy!  They were ridding bikes everywhere and being so noisy. Satan really didn't want us to teach them.  One of the little kids even squatted down and went poop on the floor in front of us!!  Yeah that was pretty nasty!  But we just continued on teaching!  At the end of the lesson the sister even prayed!  It was such a good lesson.  We both feel that they will be baptized in the future.  I'm grateful for the member's that care enough about the gospel to give us referrals to their closest friends.  Without referrals our work would be nothing.  So I heard that elder hales had to speak in front of everyone in transfer meeting.  It was in English so the natives didn't really understand, but they said that he asked if anyone knew me and they said that they did!  And he was pretty excited to know that haha. I'm excited to see him.  I don't know if that will be anytime soon but who knows.  So the Philippines is in a huge drought.  It's called a el ninyo.  It means that there isn't going to be rain until June or July.  The elders in one zone don't even have water at their house to wash clothes.  They have to go to a river and wash.  How they shower I have no idea,.  I'm just glad that I'm in the mountains and we have what little run off there is.  It has been overcast this week and it sprinkled a little bit but not enough to have an effect on the ground.  We have zone conference this week on Wednesday so that means I'll be getting up at 2am Wednesday so I can get to Cauayan on time for the 9am meeting.  It's going to be a long day but I'm looking forward to go listen to our president give us some advice on finding people and being better missionaries.  I don't know if y have ant packages but its possible that i will have them on Wednesday, so ill let you know next week if i get it.  I love you guys!  Tell everyone I say hello!!!!

Elder Mulliner

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Wow, what a week!  So Monday started the week off with a good pday.  We had to go to Solano and get our support so we ate at this place called mang innasal and they give you an ulam(rice topping) and unlimited rice.  I got excited when I saw the unlimited rice sign let alone the pork BBQ that they have :).  And then on Wednesday night guess what I ate!!!!!!!!?????? Yes, your wrong!  It was balut!!  I totally ate a duck embryo haha!  It was actually pretty good!  The juice in the egg tastes like chicken broth and the egg part is just like a hard boiled egg and then the duck really had no taste.  It's just the thought that is going through your head while eating it.  Don't worry... I filmed it.  So when I get a chance to make a CD I'll put that video of me and Elder Bayles eating it!  You'll laugh!  They are pretty funny.  So Saturday was a bummer because we didn't get that chance to work all that much because Elder Bayles had a bunch of baptism interviews for the other missionary's around here.  Sunday we fasted and it was a good fast.  Then today we totally went down to sta. fae.  It's a town in our area and it was like the prettiest place I have ever seen.  We went to a place called imugan falls!  It was sweet!!!  Look it up on google and there should be some pictures there.  I took like 60 so you'll see what I'm talking about  when I get into a place that can transfer my pics to a CD.  We were thinking on the way home that we are only allowed to work in the town Aritao and the other closer towns that we have I would say are about 3/4's of our area, we aren't allowed to tract in because its just so far.  So we really have only been in the close places but on pday we go out to the other places and got see the area.  Today was a great day to do so because it was so pretty.  I got some great shots of the area!  I'm excited for you all to see.  The past 6 weeks have gone way too fast!  We have transfers on Thursday and I hope that I don't get transferred, but i doubt i will.  That's great that you guys went and saw Elder Bayles' mom.  She sent him some candy from cabellas and its soooo good haha:)  Well the work is going a bit slow because of the last elders that were here so we are fixing the area.  It seems like sometimes we are opening the area but we are slowly getting things back together.  I love the work and the people!  This gospel is so wonderful and the joy that it brings to the life of the people of the Philippines.  I love you all my family!  Thanks for the pics and emails this week... I laughed at them.  Keep sending them for us, elder Bayles likes to see our family and pictures because he says that his family doesn't send any haha.  So every once and a while send some new ones (via email).  I hope it warms up over there and cools down here (even though that wont happen for months).  Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Elder Mulliner



So this week has been pretty good.  We did go on the splits.  The elder is still here but transfers is coming up and I don't know if he will get sent home.  Then I went on splits with the zone leaders and it was great!  I gave someone a baptism date and it was just a good feeling.  The family that we are teaching came to district conference yesterday and it was great.  I think that they will be great members.  The elders in my old area told me that they are baptizing everyone that I taught and they are doing well, so that's some great news! Elder Bayles says that you (mom) should go over to the lehi roller mills in the office and talk with his mom (Linda) like next week.  So you should do that lol.  I'm going on splits with Elder Balaich this week!!  I'm way excited to get to work with him.  It will be just like the MTC again.  haha plus I think that he is ready for a break from crappy companions.  He has had kind of a hard time with his comps. they have all been way disobedient so I think that he is more excited then I am.  Almost all of the people that I came in with from the MTC are in my zone.  It's way cool!  It's like a party whenever we see each other.  We taught a guy from England and he has lived here for most of his life.   The lesson went pretty well and we are going back to teach him this week.  I don't know if he is that interested but well see.  We have a few solid investigators but they just don't have the solid testimony that we would like them to have.  We are working on them so we can give them a date and help them enter into the fold.  Me and Elder Bayles were talking yesterday and we looked at the date and the cycle ends on the 11th of this month!! I hope that no one get transferred but I think that I will because he just got made district leader.  I hope that we stay comps. for a while!  That would be so sweet!  Tell Kyle congrats for me!  Thats sweet and I'm so happy for him!  So the package, if your able to send the/an ipod send it full of church and Disney songs if possible.  That would be really cool.  Plus a charger so i can charge it.  Also some shoe insoles for my shoes, a small role of duct tape if possible, a variety of oatmeal would be very pleasing to my stomach haha and if you see anything that would be cool to have i guess haha i dunno.  Let me know what you send so I know what to look for.  I love you all and I pray for you everyday.  I'm getting way better in the language, not fluent, but I can communicate with everyone.  I have a lot more confidence to talk and I'm feeling more comfortable with the language.  But I'm still learning of course.  Well that's all for now folks!  I love you!!!

Elder Mulliner


Well hello!

This week has been really great!  We had interviews with the president, went to MacDonald's AND I got a 3 musketeers bar!  It was pretty much the perfect day.  We gave 4 of our investigators a baptismal date yesterday for the 27 of march.  I hope that they will continue to come to church and continue to listen and keep our commitments we have give them.  Uunfortunately we might end up dropping one of our investigators because her and her husband need to get married and they want to get married in our church, but they don't have a birth certificate.  And they wont come to church because of her father.  He cant be left alone for any time because he is paralyzed and her husband wont watch him while she goes to church.  So we will probably drop them and try to teach them in another time.  Maybe they aren't ready to receive the gospel yet, but they will in time.  So I guess one of the elders in my district is having a way hard time with his companion and something bad happened with them last night but I don't know what yet.   We got a call about 11:00 last night and it was our zone leaders and they said that I needed to pack my bags for 4-5 days and we will be going on splits for a while.  The elder that's having problem will be coming to our area and I'll be going over there, which is fine because its way pretty over there its a place called dupax del sur.   But I think that the American elder might be getting sent home or his choice.  I'll find out about 4 this afternoon.  So I tired to withdrawal some money last week at one of the ATM's and it said that my account was locked, but when i looked just barley it was fine so maybe the ATM was just retarded.  Me and Elder Bayles have been working our bums off trying to find some good people to teach and to re-activate some branch members.  We do the home teaching, the missionary work and we are the Secretary branch clerk(unofficially haha).  So with the next package you send I have a request or two but no rushes on the package.  I could use some good shoe insoles for my shoes.  And you mentioned at Christmas if I would like you to send me an ipod, well if dad will let me use his little blue shuffle that would be perfect just load it with as much church songs and Disney music as you can and then the charger of course so i can charge it.  And some treats as well.  So how was Kenny's and Jerah's wedding??  Did you get any pics?  If so send them my way.  Well that's my report on this week!  I love you all and I hope that your all doing well as always!
Elder Mulliner


Happy valentines to everyone back at home!

They have valentines day here but it's not really a celebrated day.  It was also my comps b-day this weekend and we held a missionary fireside to help out the members with finding people for the gospel.  It went really well.  I was scared that we were going to do a terrible job but it went really well.  I think that we will have a ton more referrals coming in, it should be great.  So they announced the name of our new mission pres here!  His name is pres. Carlos.  He is from South Dakota! I'm excited to have an American president but I'm going to miss pres. Villanueva very much.  He is such a nice person and one of the most loving people I have ever met along with his wife.  She is just like a mom for all us missionaries and we are really lucky to have them here.  So this week has been pretty normal as far as the work goes.  It is definitely summer here!  The sun is way hot during the day.  The mornings here are cold though that I could see my breath this morning!  It was awesome.  I was way happy because it's so hot.  I'm loving being a missionary.  I cant tell you enough how awesome and joyful this really is.  Even though at times I miss home and I miss the little things in life, I would have to say that I would put this first for sure.  My testimony is growing and so is my love for other people.  I love the language and the culture.  The people here are so nice and giving and they have a love for the gospel.  One ward member didn't have money to get a ride to the church yesterday so her and her family got up at 5am and walked 3.5 hours to get to church on time!  That showed me her love for the gospel and her love to come to church and keep the commandments.  She is a great example to the ward and to the lord and to all of us!  My testimony has grown from that experience.  I'm glad that the doctors have figured out whats going on with grandma.  I know that she will continue to improve if we keep her in our prayers.  Keep me posted on her.  We had a dinner appointment last night at this one family that lives right up the street from us and every time we eat there I feel like I'm going to pop after eating.  The food is sooooo good!  haha me and elder bayles have been doing really well together and we are both happy.  Its so much better when a companionship gets along.  It shows in the work and in our message to the people.  We have one family that we just found, the fontiveras family, and they seem to have accepted the message in our first visit.  We are going back to them twice this week and I hope we can get them to church on Sunday so they can feel the spirit that you only feel by going to church.  Well that's all for this week!  I hope your week goes great and that you all are safe.  I love and miss you all.

Elder Mulliner